Any civil trial riches the point where questions are raised in the judgment process. In such situations, most often a private investigator managed to make light so the deadlock was broken because he was able to provide lawyers with crucial information that led to the successful finalization of the process.

Our service cover:
Identifying witnesses – in any criminal case, the identification of potential witnesses is an important part in establishing a winning strategy. Save time and leave this aspect in account of our detectives.
– Locating witnesses and other persons of interest in civil cases – we use the most effective methods of investigation and available databases in order to locate the most wanted persons.
– Investigative case management – a lawyer needs someone who can see the direction the case takes, to capitalize and finally to know what is necessary for the process. We have experience in dealing with large cases for our customers attorneys, allowing to the lawyer to focus on case strategy.
– Conducting actual investigations – We give special attention to the questions that you need answers. We will carry out the necessary investigations and we will provide complete and direct responses supported by evidence.
– Location of assets – we are able to effective locate personal property and assets of businesses.
– Document review – We know what to look for and synthesize documents in a way that saves time.
– Focusing and restricting the scope of the search – we provide background information about witnesses and other parts of a case. We provide information to refute or confirm certain aspects of the cases we represent, our private detectives identifying information that is needed and what are the best sources of information.
– Conducting background investigations – we can make verification of persons for which there is interest in civil cases, in order to discover their personal, professional, financial, civil and their criminal background.

investigatii civile
