THEFTS FROM ENTERPRISES are a major problem faced by companies in all fields of activity and is structured in two important aspects:

1. Theft of goods or objects:

Theft of company has many forms: theft of finished goods and merchandise (tools, livestock, fodder, medicines, etc.), theft of raw materials (fuel, grain, spare parts, detergents) or objects (safety equipment, stationery items, electronic equipment, etc.).

In order to identify precarious situations and the persons who devote such practices there are a number of specific investigations that we develop as appropriate, such as:
– Investigations within the company and obtaining relevant information;
– External investigations in areas of interest where stolen goods could be capitalized (trade shows, fairs, gas stations, households and other suitable places);
– Investigations on the suspects, including their behaviors during working hours and leisure time;
– The use of recording devices (photo-audio-video);
– The use of undercover investigators.

2. Theft of Data and Information:

The consequences of data theft and information in a company can have a major impact on its activity as well as on third parties (business partners, suppliers, customers, employees, etc.). In this category of thefts are: periodic or annual financial reports, relevant documents from the negotiation processes, contact database of customers and suppliers, files of employees, databases and other confidential documents, secret production technological secrets or software, etc.
The causes can be many and varied: a disgruntled employee who considers himself entitled to prejudice the activity of the company, an employee recruited by a competitor whom were promised substantial benefits in exchange for data and information, an employee infiltrated especially in a company with in order to convey a range of external data and information of interest, a cyber-attack on the company’s servers electronically, intended to facilitate access to useful information, etc.

detectiv particular Bucurest

Specific investigations for this type of data theft and information might be, as appropriate:
– Investigations within the company on suspected persons and their surveillance during working hours and leisure time;
– Linkages that these people have with representatives of competitors;
– Use of the photo-audio-video recording;
– The use of undercover investigators;
– Creating simulated and controlled situations for unmasking the perpetrators.

– Checking of goods;
– Checking and location of assets of companies;
– Reviews of shareholders / partners / administrator / auditing;
– Verification of owner / real owner of a business;
– Verification of assets and liabilities of a company;
– Checking a company’s banking relationships;
– Checks in HR sphere.
